As a child, I loved everything related to castles and fairy tales. The irresistible pull of the unseen world wormed its way into my psyche and never let go. The sense of wonder I felt when I imagined worlds full of magical folk like fairies, elves, gnomes, and talking animals was perhaps a way to escape a troubled childhood. But it was something more than that…something hard to describe. There is just something about the world of miniatures that has always held my imagination. What is more fascinating than doll houses with miniature versions of our world, with tiny bits of furniture and interior decor? Or how about model train landscaping with streets, buildings, and train tracks? These are entire worlds where “little people” go about their business, oblivious to us mere mortals staring down at them like giant Cheshire cats. Fairy gardens evoke the same sense of intrigue and fascination, and creating a fairy garden is the perfect invitation to allow your imagination to again enter the realm of magic. Creating a fairy garden is essentially an activity inspired by nature and all that exists in the natural world, with a touch of whimsy that gives us a space tp escape the “rational” world for just a bit. So, what makes a fairy garden? What types of things are “essential” to a fairy garden? Let’s take a moment or two to suspend belief and discuss the ten essential elements that I believe are necessary for a successful fairy garden! Fairy habitats When it comes to creating a fairy habitat, the sky is the limit! Fairies love a habitat that is attractive to birds, bees, and butterflies…but maybe your fairy has other ideas! At its core the fairy garden is a tiny haven full of miniature structures surrounded by all sorts of things that attract the typical garden wildlife. But—again—your fairy might cut against the grain and embrace their inner alien or beach bum! (I’ve seen both…it gets interesting!) In the interest of keeping things simple, though, we’ll just discuss the typical garden or woodland fairy habitat. Fairy gardens are typically part of a larger garden (although they don’t have to be), so think of this space as a garden within a garden…a special little patch of real estate set aside just for your magical fairy resident. And put some thought into it! Put yourself in your fairy’s shoes…Visualize yourself about 3 inches tall and look around. (Maybe put that camera phone down to ground level and take some photos, just to get a more realistic perspective.) Are there trees and tree stumps with hollows to live or hide in? Are there mushrooms for your fairy to sleep on or shelter under during a rainstorm? Is there a patch of flowers with vibrant colors and attractive fragrance that attracts birds and bees? Maybe there is even a hollow woodland log with clumps of ferns clinging to its reclining form on a forest floor. Whatever your choice of habitat, make it something fun, whimsical, and enchanted! Make it a place that will make your fairy feel welcome and want to stay. A comfy fairy home If your fairy does decide to stay in the habitat you’ve so carefully chosen, she’ll need a place to do all the “domestic” stuff, the stuff of daily living. So what type of home will your fairy want? When it comes to fairy homes, this will depend on your chosen habitat, and—of course—your fairy’s preferences! A fairy’s house could be provided by nature, taking the form of a tree hollow, toadstool, or miniature cave made of rocks. Or maybe she’s an environmentalist who embraces the idea of repurposing old pots, wheelbarrows, or planters. Or maybe you are one of those crafty fairy guardians who builds her a birdhouse or fairy house. Whatever type of home you and your fairy choose, it should be attractive and comfy and provide shelter from wicked weather. Shelter & hiding places for fairies Your fairy will not spend ALL day inside her home! She will be out and about, exploring her gardens and surrounding areas, looking for food, and visiting friends. And sometimes—while she is out having too much fun—she gets caught in a rainstorm! Remember those tree stumps, toadstools, and flowers I mentioned before? This is where they come in handy! It is essential to your fairy’s happiness to provide places of shelter, even if it’s a thick bush or large leafy flower under which your fairy can hide from unwanted visitors or shelter from that occasional summer rainstorm. Fairy friends & companions Speaking of friends…We all need friends, and your fairy is no different! The perfect habitat will naturally attract butterflies, frogs, hummingbirds, and ladybugs all of whom will be curious about your resident magical being and easily befriend her. Maybe the neighborhood squirrels and rabbits pop in for a quick visit while on the way to find their morning meal. You could even invite companions from the fairy world, like gnomes and elves. (Don’t worry that they are resin statues…they come alive when you are not looking anyway!) Maybe your cat or dog makes a daily trek outside to pay a visit. (Make sure they are friendly to your fairy, or you may incur her wrath!) And don’t forget that YOU are her friend as well! Visit her now and again to check up on her and catch up! Miniature garden areas for fairies Having a resident fairy comes with responsibilities, and one of those responsibilities is creating a beautiful garden in which your fairy can quietly meander on a cool misty dawn or entertain friends on a sunny summer afternoon. Nestling your fairy’s magical home into existing flower gardens is one of the easiest—and most natural—ways to surround your fairy with her very own garden patch. Or…maybe this is where you have fun doing miniature landscaping! Creating miniature gardens is an art form that goes back decades, but lately, the fairy garden has become all the rage! How can you resist creating all those miniature walkways, garden patios, and landscaping?! If you decide to go this route, you’ll need miniature plants--succulents, miniature roses, or any relatively small plant that won’t get out of control and become overgrown. Maybe some plants are in pots, and maybe some grow from the soil…Just think low maintenance. (That doesn’t mean NO maintenance! You’ll have to visit your fairy friend often to do upkeep.) Whatever you choose to do for your fairy, creating a magical homestead for your fairy will entice her to stay…And that means good luck for you! Flowers in the fairy garden While we’re on the subject of gardens and flowers, let’s talk a little about the type of flowers and plants that will have your fairy swooning… So what types of plants and flowers attract fairies? Fairies are known to have a fondness for aromatic herbs, like thyme and rosemary. Planting herbs in and around your fairy garden attracts bees and other insects which are beneficial to the health of your garden…and the happiness of your fairy. And did I forget to mention the amazing scent that fills the air?! Beautiful flowers—like petunias, tulips, foxglove, pansies, and even wildflowers—can also add to the symphony of fragrances in your fairy’s garden. Flowers that have large petals also provide much needed shade on a sunny day, or even attractive places to hide in or sleep. Fruit trees and bushes make a good food source for your fairy, and having them close to home means she won’t have to risk traveling too far away to find her morning breakfast. Shiny objects and fairies In case you didn’t already know, fairies like shiny things! It is said that fairies are attracted to glittering shiny items, like fairy lights and sparkly gems. They are attracted to the light like moths to a flame, so it is important to use this to your advantage as you try to lure a fairy into your garden and entice them to stay. As you create your fairy garden, think about incorporating things like crystals, gem stones, glass beads, sparkly flocked decor, fairy lights, and even water. Your fairy will be mesmerized! Water sources in the fairy garden Water is the source of all life…and fairies love it! The presence of water provides several benefits. Fairies like it for its shimmering properties, but they also bathe in pools of water and drink from nearby water sources. In ancient myths water had magical properties and represented a portal to another world. Remember, fairies are ethereal magical creatures that belong to another realm of reality, and the presence of water gives them easy access to that world. Ponds, streams, bird baths, or any pool of water—even miniature fountains—make excellent water sources for your fairy garden and any visitors that might arrive. What do you do if you can’t provide a source of actual water? Go “faux”! Even just the illusion of water is beneficial and will make your fairy happy. It can be as simple as blue stones arranged like a pond. Or you can get more decorative with decor filled with resin resembling a waterfall. It’s up to you! As long as the effort is there, your fairy will be grateful. Soothing sounds in the fairy garden We often forget about sound when we are creating gardens, but sound can have a powerful effect on us, for better or for worse. A pleasant sound—like the soft gurgling from a water feature—sets the tone for a calm quiet place to sit and meditate or daydream. All creatures—magical or otherwise—will benefit from such a place! The sound of wind chimes in the garden can also have a spellbinding effect on anyone who happens to be within earshot. The musical tones that keep time with the breeze take us to another level of sublime consciousness. The same sounds that are soothing to us are also loved by fairies, so this is a great opportunity to create relaxing tones that will make your fairy’s homestead more magical, but will also entice YOU to linger a few moments in your miniature garden and revel in your handiwork. Using your imagination And finally…The number one essential element for creating a fairy garden is your own imagination! Use your imagination to come up with a garden that has a story to tell. Create a theme that tells the story of your garden fairy. Don’t be afraid to tap into that inner child and dream! Sit a while and think about little worlds and all the magic folk. Experiment with different setups, plants, decor. There is no right or wrong way to do it…just as long as you do it! Creating a fairy garden is an opportunity to get your hands dirty and play with ideas for miniature landscaping. Even if you don’t believe in fairies, this is a way to be creative and expressive. The process of working in a garden is a fun way to relieve stress and escape—even if for just a few moments—from the craziness of our everyday lives. So go forth and dream…and create a whimsical magical world for your own resident fairy! So those were my top ten essential elements for creating a fairy garden. Now that you are inspired to go create your own magical fairy garden, what kind of garden do you think you will make? Or do you already have a resident fairy happily living in your garden? I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences in the comments! Just an FYI…You can create beautiful decorative indoor fairy gardens as well. It is so much fun putting together indoor fairy gardens with faux florals and miniature decor! Decor can be easily changed out for the seasons or holidays to give you a fresh new vignette or tablescape whenever you like. If you have a moment, go check out my handcrafted fairy houses created specifically for indoor fairy gardens. Related blogs you may want to read: A brief history of the origins of fairy gardens My spring 2022 indoor fairy gardens Spring makeover for my indoor fairy gardens My outdoor fairy garden My fairy house project Sources: This article may contain a few items or commercial mentions, but I only used them for demonstration purposes only. I am not endorsing any particular product or receiving any monetary gain for this blog.
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